I dalje pratimo ljubavne priče koje nam priča Davor Rostuhar. Izdvojile smo 6 dirljivih

FOTO: @davorrostuhar

Davor Rostuhar odlučio je godinu dana pisati ljubav na putovanju diljem svijeta. Volimo njegove priče

Ako još uvijek niste zapratili Davora Rostuhara vrijeme je da se to promijeni. Kao što smo ranije pisali, Davor je sa svojom suprugom Anđelom otišao na put ili bolje rečeno ljubav oko svijeta koji će trajati godinu dana. Osim što uživaju u medenom mjesecu, imaju još jednu misiju, a ta je istražiti ljubav. Na njegovom Instagram profilu sada možete naći već pregršt fotografija s pričama, a mi smo izdvojile neke koje su nas posebno dirnule. Prvi put se tu našla i ljubav između dvoje klinaca koji su preslatki.

“Deborah je imala 14 godina kad je upoznala Aleksandra i pozvala ga na zabavu svog prijatelja. To je trebao biti njihov prvi sastanak, čarobni i blistavi kako mogu biti samo prvi spojevi. Ali nije bilo ništa slično. Te noći imali su nesreću s motociklom u kojoj je on izgubio nogu, a ona je završila s prijelomom. Ta nesreća ih je povezala na način koji nitko osim ne može razumjeti. Kao da im je suđeno da budu takvi kako bi se mogli održati skupa naredne 24 godine, upijajući sreću kao što to mogu samo oni koji su smrti gledali u oči.” Deborah (38) i Alexander (45), Rio de Janeiro



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When we asked him how does it feel to spend more than a decade with a wife who does not recognize you, Jorge responded: “It’s a feeling of great pain. I’m terribly sorry that illness attacked her when she was about to start enjoying her golden years. But the very fact that I can be next to her, in her company, makes me absolutely and deeply happy. Her condition is not an obstacle for me to love her intensively. ” Jorge (75) and Maria (70), Colombia #loveacrosscultures⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lovearoundtheworld #ljubavokosvijeta #davorrostuhar #lovestories #reallifestories #love #colombia #people_and_world #aroundtheworld #travelblog #peoplesportrait #withhumans #documentary #love #forever #inspiring #couplegoals #whatislove

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“He will propose at the age of 23. We will marry, have one male child and two dogs. We already have names for them. I will be a plastic surgeon and he will become a profesional Muy Thai fighter. We will travel the world together and live happily ever after” Giovana told us when we asked her and Luiz Felipe how they see their future together. They are both 15 and experiencing love for the first time. Giovana (15) and Luiz Felipe (15), Rio de Janeiro #loveacrosscultures ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lovearoundtheworld #filming #ljubavokosvijeta #davorrostuhar #lovestories #reallifestories #love #brazil #riodejaneiro #brazilian #humansoflove #humansofbrasil #humansofrio #withhumans #people_and_world #aroundtheworld #travelblog #peoplesportrait #documentary #love #firstlove #inspiring #couples

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Deborah was 14 when she met Alexander and invited him to her friend’s party. It was supposed to be their first date, magical and shinny how only the first dates can be. But it was nothing like it. That night they had a motorbike accident in which he lost his leg and she ended up with a fracture. But this accident connected them in a way no one can understand, apart from them. As if it was destined to be like that in order to keep them together for the next 24 years, absorbing happiness as only those who looked death in the eyes can. Deborah (38) and Alexander (45), Rio de Janeiro #loveacrosscultures ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lovearoundtheworld #filming #ljubavokosvijeta #davorrostuhar #lovestories #reallifestories #love #brazil #riodejaneiro #brazilian #humansoflove #humansofbrasil #humansofrio #withhumans #people_and_world #aroundtheworld #travelblog #peoplesportrait #documentary #love #firstlove #inspiring #couples

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“We spent the first months of our relationship living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. We were homeless. We starved together, people put fire on our stuff, threw water and beer on us etc. But we coped with everything in a positive manner, believing that one day it will better. And now it is. If she stayed with me on the streets, she will stay with me for the rest of our lives.” André (38) and Aline (37), Rio de Janeiro #LoveAcrossCultures ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lovearoundtheworld #filming #ljubavokosvijeta #davorrostuhar #lovestories #reallifestories #love #brazil #riodejaneiro #brazilian #humansoflove #humansofbrasil #humansofrio #withhumans #people_and_world #aroundtheworld #travelblog #peoplesportrait #documentary #love #firstlove #inspiring #couples

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